Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The IT crowd

On my first day I also met another volunteer here at Bosco Boys: Gary from Germany. He's been in Kenya since last summer (which is winter here, technically) working mostly as a teacher in the computer room here at the school. Fr Sebastian had asked me if I wanted to help him out working with the kids when they have computer classes. So this day I bumped into Gary on his way to take a lesson with form 6 and I decided to tag along.

Unfortunately, the computer room wasn't ready to be used, so this was going to have to be a computing class taught in a normal classroom without any computer in sight.

Poor Gary. The class wouldn't shut up. There were about 60 of them squeezed into the classroom and they all seemed to be doing something different and almost all of them were doing it noisily.

Gary managed to get across to the few at the front who chose to listen that this term we'd be working on typing and mouse skills. But the class disintegrated after about 10 minutes and Gary wisely decided that we should all go play football.

Another 10 minutes had passed by the time we found a ball to play with.

Finally, by the time we got to the playing field it was time to head back for lunch.

Not an auspicious start...

On the plus side, Gary reckons that they're better behaved once they actually get into the computer room, so let's hope that's true.

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